Hugh Morgan is our 2014 Leadership Dialogue Honouree. As CEO of WMC Hugh was a sponsor of theLeadership Dialogue in our first year, 1992. Following his retirement from full time executive life, Hughaccepted my invitation to join the board of the Australian Foundation. He has brought a uniquecombination of governance expertise, knowledge of global issues and thoughtful insights.
Hugh Morgan AC

A hallmark year was 2011 when Hugh’s inspired leadership and organisational skills delivered thememorable Australian American Leadership Dialogue in Perth. Hugh is the rarest of confidants,respected by US, international and bipartisan Australian leaders.
His significant breadth and length of leadership experience has brought enormous value to the evolutionof the Leadership Dialogue. Hugh is an Australian national asset, and the Leadership Dialogue has beenblessed with his steadfast commitment, aided, and abetted by his wonderful Elizabeth.
Phil Scanlan
Australian American Leadership Dialogue